Be an FPAWS Sponsor

Benefits$20,000 Title Sponsor$10,000 VIP Sponsor$5,000 Partner Sponsor$2,500 Community Sponsor$1,000 Family Sponsor$500  Friend Sponsor
Inclusion of name and logo on all event material and ad in the event programsFull size ad, event t-shirtSmall ad, event t-shirtSmall adSmall adName/logoName/logo
Opportunity for sponsor to speak at events٭٭    
Recognition in FPAWS social media pages and inclusion of logo with link to your website٭٭٭   
Name and logo recognition before, during and after events٭٭٭٭  
Reserved table at events and complementary event tickets16 tickets8 tickets4 tickets2 tickets2 tickets2 tickets
Be a Auction Gala Sponsor 
Be a Golf Tournament Sponsor
For more information, please contact Tracy Freckleton at [email protected]

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